
50 books of 200 pages – £7.90 each

50 books of 300 pages – £10.90 each

50 books of 400 pages – £13.90 each

* Plus carriage and artwork

where required


Size = A5 • Paper = 80gsm white

Text = Black ink

Binding = Case binding

with colour jackets

Five Things You Need to Know About Book Printing

Writing a book is one thing, but having it printed is a whole different ball game. Book printing is a science all on its own. From the kind of paper you’re willing to use, to the price of printing you’re willing to pay, there are a number of things you need to consider before your book hits the printers. You can’t just walk through any book printing office and hope that your book will magically print itself.

Interest in independent book printing has risen through the years due to the rising popularity of self-publishing. Although the internet has opened many new doors in terms of online book distribution, the printed page is still a great venue to get your books read. Before you go out into the wide world of book printing, make sure you arm yourselves with these must-know nuggets of information by the time you step into the book printing office.

Book Printing Processes

Make sure you know what kind of book printing process you are aiming for. The most common types of printing processes are the sheet-fed printer and the web press. Though sheet-fed printing is great for smaller runs, but web presses are designed specifically to meet those bulk orders of book (a couple of thousand prints and above). Digital printing is also an option, but is extremely expensive on a per book level. Only consider this if you’re looking to print only a couple of dozen or a few hundred.

Signature Page Count

Different book printing companies will offer you a wide range of quotes depending on their signature page count. Unknown to most people, books are printed in sets of pages, and not per page. The most popular signature page count is eight, which gives you a good price if your book can be divisible by that number (e.g 32 pages, 80 pages, 160 pages). So make sure you find out your preferred printer’s signature page count and see if you can tweak your book to be printable under the specifications.

Book Printing Discounts

Book printing costs money; that much is true. But if you have a solid idea on how you want your book printed, you make sure that you get the most value out of your money. Already know how many copies you want, that way you can haggle down the price depending on your order. Find out what paper your book printing company has on offer. You can save a lot of money by scrimping on just a few cents per page.

And always make sure you set a budget before making any financial decisions. Canvas and evaluate a good price, because in the end, it’s still your book that needs to be printed.

Looking for low volume book printing or book reprints or even short run book printing. Then book printing from Allprint Services in Liverpool is the place to look! For the best in book printing companies or book printing costs, you can print a book or moreso print your book because cheap book printing and on demand book printing is what Rayross the printers in Liverpool specialise in! So for paperback book printing, book printers, and printing Books, call us now. We know all about printing a book as I even had my book printed. To print my own book was just so easy! So get in touch with the Number one Printers in Liverpool now!

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