
50 books of 200 pages – £7.90 each

50 books of 300 pages – £10.90 each

50 books of 400 pages – £13.90 each

* Plus carriage and artwork

where required


Size = A5 • Paper = 80gsm white

Text = Black ink

Binding = Case binding

with colour jackets

Proof Reading service available • Telephone for details

If you are in the practice of a profession, nothing is better at letting others know that you are not just any ordinary Joe doing the same old thing if you get book published under your name. Once this happens, the perception of your peers and everyone else in the industry will dramatically change for the better regardless if these very same people even read your book.

To get book published goes well beyond traditional marketing mediums such as fancy business cards and signage since these mediums are a lot easier to make unlike a book about your profession which takes a lot to get book published clearly setting you apart from the thousands of peers and competition.

If it was a couple of decades earlier, fancy cards and signage might just be one of the best ways to get the attention your practice needs since during those days, to get book published took a lot more than just writing. Luckily for professionals of today, self publication has come a long way from being taboo in the writing profession and expensive and impractical.

Now, a professional needs not worry anything more than just writing since to get book published has become a lot more easier to achieve and with costs starting from just a single book to whatever is the largest number you can pronounce.

With this on hand, there is no question that to get book published is simply worth its weight in gold especially taking into consideration how much additional business it can generate.

Lastly, to get book published also makes a better professional in you because you will have to make sure you know what you are writing unless of course you do not mind being humiliated.

A book publisher or book publishers are companies that offer book publishing services. This basically means that they are the ones you go to when you want to get book published and when I get my book published, I will also go to them. How to get a book published and how to publish a book or to make it more personal, how to publish your book depends on a variety of reasons. But one thing is certain, a publish book or publish books are a lot better than mere thoughts that runs on your mind. To publish your book or to publish my book would be one of the great milestones in any ordinary person. You see, when you publish your own book or publishing a book yourself can easily be done now because publishing books has become cheaper. In fact, publishing your book, sometimes called self publishing a book is now the norm due to the popularity of small book publishing. A self publish book or self publish a book is how any aspiring writer get his or her work published these days. And there is no doubt that a self publishing book author is a far better than one that goes with a 3rd party publisher.

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