
50 books of 200 pages – £7.90 each

50 books of 300 pages – £10.90 each

50 books of 400 pages – £13.90 each

* Plus carriage and artwork

where required


Size = A5 • Paper = 80gsm white

Text = Black ink

Binding = Case binding

with colour jackets

Proof Reading service available • Telephone for details

For the many authors trying to publish books, the road ahead is normally steep. Some of the uncertainties that they have to face include rejection from publishers and that’s even after we have invested on the long waits and the calls and favors we have to make just to get them publishers to look our way.

Luckily, self-publishing came along and to make publish books now has become a lot more reachable for many of authors.

There are many (to say the least) daunting stories about the rough road of getting publish books under traditional publishers. No author has had an easy way to stardom except maybe those who have direct connection or relation with someone on the publishing house itself. That’s why these days, many authors who have failed over-and-over again to get the publisher’s attention to publish books that they wrote are now opting to self-publication.

With that behind, an author’s job is far from over after their book has been printed. Selling the publish books is a whole new playing field especially in these difficult times. If an author is lucky enough, break even might even be something worth writing home about already.

Promoting the printed books is something many authors do not like doing themselves. This is one of the perks that come along with a traditional publisher. It eliminates the challenge of the author being extraordinarily friendly to make all the connections needed to get her/his publish books noticed by as many audience as possible since this is where the traditional publisher actually shines the most.

The selling and marketing part is no doubt one of the main drawbacks of self-publishing for any author who is aiming to make writing the main source of income. Although for those authors who just want to get publish books under their name and have a few copies mailed or given to family and friends, then self-publishing is truly heaven sent. And for the very few lucky enough to write something quite extraordinary that it starts to go beyond family and friends just through word-of-mouth, then their publish books might just be the peak of the iceberg of a successful writing career up ahead.

A book publisher or book publishers are companies that offer book publishing services. This basically means that they are the ones you go to when you want to get book published and when I get my book published, I will also go to them. How to get a book published and how to publish a book or to make it more personal, how to publish your book depends on a variety of reasons. But one thing is certain, a publish book or publish books are a lot better than mere thoughts that runs on your mind. To publish your book or to publish my book would be one of the great milestones in any ordinary person. You see, when you publish your own book or publishing a book yourself can easily be done now because publishing books has become cheaper. In fact, publishing your book, sometimes called self publishing a book is now the norm due to the popularity of small book publishing. A self publish book or self publish a book is how any aspiring writer get his or her work published these days. And there is no doubt that a self publishing book author is a far better than one that goes with a 3rd party publisher.

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