
50 books of 200 pages – £7.90 each

50 books of 300 pages – £10.90 each

50 books of 400 pages – £13.90 each

* Plus carriage and artwork

where required


Size = A5 • Paper = 80gsm white

Text = Black ink

Binding = Case binding

with colour jackets

Proof Reading service available • Telephone for details

When an author wants his book known to the world, it’s either he can look for a publisher to publish his work or do it his way and self-publish. Doing the latter will let him make more money and retain control over his work. He can also make sure that his book will be delivered faster to the public. A self publishing book author also retains all legal ownerships to his work and doesn’t have to worry about shared copyright.

Making more money

Since the author has more control when it comes to self publishing, he can reduce costs and still maintain a high profit margin. Self publishing book writers can enjoy the profits of publishing their books and this will be added to their 10% author royalty.

Control over one’s work

When a manuscript is submitted to publishers for proofreading, the original message that the author wants to convey in his book may be distorted. However, self publishing book authors have the final say when it comes to printing and distributing their work. Even if they hire another writer to proofread and edit their work, they can still monitor the proofreading progress.

Faster Publication

A book selected for publication may have to wait for more than 18 months before it gets published. Self publishing book authors can deliver their work to the public in two to nine months.

Retaining ownership rights

If you want to retain the legal ownership of your book, self publishing may be helpful as traditional publishing companies usually acquire most of the rights in a book they published. Self publishing book writers keep the ownership rights of their works and may make more money out of it. A good example is when a production company wants to make your book into a movie and instead of paying the publisher, they pay you for it.

A book publisher or book publishers are companies that offer book publishing services. This basically means that they are the ones you go to when you want to get book published and when I get my book published, I will also go to them. How to get a book published and how to publish a book or to make it more personal, how to publish your book depends on a variety of reasons. But one thing is certain, a publish book or publish books are a lot better than mere thoughts that runs on your mind. To publish your book or to publish my book would be one of the great milestones in any ordinary person. You see, when you publish your own book or publishing a book yourself can easily be done now because publishing books has become cheaper. In fact, publishing your book, sometimes called self publishing a book is now the norm due to the popularity of small book publishing. A self publish book or self publish a book is how any aspiring writer get his or her work published these days. And there is no doubt that a self publishing book author is a far better than one that goes with a 3rd party publisher.

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